The Cooperation signing Intiwhiz Hospitality management with PT. Realta Chakradarma

(Jakarta, 22/07) Intiwhiz Hospitality Management (Intiwhiz) is a hotel network and operators rapidly growing in Indonesia with 8 (eight) hotels in Indonesia; Grand Whiz Hotel Nusa Dua Bali, Grand Whiz Hotel Kuta Bali, Grand Trawas Mojokerto East Java, Grand Whiz Kelapa Gading Jakarta, Whiz Hotel Yogyakarta, Whiz Hotel Semarang, Whiz Hotel Cikini.
With the increasing number of new hotels to be opened in 2014 Intiwhiz with PT. Realta Chakradarma to support the operating integrated system hotel and set forth in a memorandum of understanding (MOU) signed on Friday (18/07), held at Intiland Tower in Central Jakarta.
In his remarks, Susilo Moedjianto Tjahjono as President Director and Chief Executive Officer Intiwhiz Hospitality Management Officer said, "From this cooperation is expected to operational support system of our new hotels to be opened from the front office to the back office to the maximum so that guests can have an impact on prime service”.
Cooperation between Intiwhiz Hospitality Management with PT. Realta Chakradarma related to the operating system is done so that the hotel can provide the ease in the operational at the hotel every day starting from the front office to the back office and it can help to make the system work to maximum hotel, so that the impact on guest service will be very excellence.